Writer: Alice Yang
We all had that one teacher that everyone disliked, whether it be their overbearingly strict deadlines or an abundance of restrictive rules in their classrooms. Most students tend to lose motivation in such inflexible learning environments as many believe they simply do not possess the chance to learn anything valuable from their teachers. On the other hand, many students favor a less strict and more empathetic teaching style, otherwise known as lenient teaching. Lenient teaching fosters an interactive school environment that is suitable for relationship building and productive discussions.
Lenient teaching is a more easygoing, relaxed instruction style that focuses on less punishing and more allowing. Instead of saying no to students, lenient teachers would often say yes. High school teacher Michelle Russell found her students give in better work when she says yes to extended deadlines. Including her students’ input in setting deadlines and schedules effectively shifts the power dynamic and allows students to negotiate times. This technique fosters greater life skills as students learn to compromise and uphold a certain level of responsibility. Students also claimed that lenient teachers are easier to approach for questions and comments in the classroom. Many more students are eager to come to school and maintain a positive outlook on school when their teachers are easygoing and communicative.
While some may claim that lenient teaching is negative for a student’s drive and motivation in the long term, the pros of lenient teaching outweigh the cons. Without the academic stress on the students’ shoulders, productivity and happiness increase. Yet, lenient teaching does not mean letting go of all rules. Many teachers agreed that leniency has a certain limit and if such limits are reached, punishments ensue.